Monday, November 10, 2008

Sun's 7000 line of Open Storage appliances

What they offer ?

Smart NAS devices have embedded FISHWorks, which stands for: Fully Integrated Software and Hardware. Complete with SSD drives as storage.

1. The entry-level 7110 is called Iwashi, Japanese for a baby sardine.

2. Mid-range 7210 Fugu product, Fugu being a Japanese pufferfish which is lethally poisonous if prepared incorrectly. Let's not read anything into that.

2. Finally Toro, Japanese for fatty blue fin tuna belly, is the high-end product, the 7410. (the souce for Japanese names was taken from The Register)

Tech spec of 7410 and the types of RAID: Striping, Mirroring, RAID-Z, DP (RAID 5, 6). With DP being NetApp's not standard double parity storage.

Cool stuff: you can get the VMware demo from here to try it out. Or a web based one.

All this is great, but what is this Open in Open Storage ?

The answer lies in this quote from InfoWorld: "Some time after rolling out the NAS appliances, Sun will offer the software components as an "appliance kit" for OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) to build their own products. As an example, Sun pointed to Dell,..."

Theres your answer :)

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